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Inspirational Page


Welcome to my Inspirational 'scrapbook'. A place that houses all the little things I've collected and saved over the years that have spoken to my heart in one way or another. It's a variety of art, poetry, stories and scripture. 

Being a woman of faith, I have always taken delight and comfort in reading the Bible and Biblically-inspired literary works and art. Life is rich with an abundance of experiences; some joyful, some peaceful, some sad, and even some tragic. Within the pages of the Bible are words to build our character, give peace to our hearts and minds, and to comfort us in times of sadness or sorrow.

Below you will find links to visit some heart-warming anecdotes, as well as favorite art I've saved over the years. There are also links to take you to some of my favorite scripture by topic that I have written as a summary of my own personal study.

I hope you enjoy your visit and that your heart will be uplifted and your spirit edified.


God bless,





This page includes a variety of anecdotal stories with a positive and heart-warming message. I've read all of them multiple times in my life and they always seem to edify my heart.


Scripture by Topic

I love delving into a particular subject in the Bible and doing an in-depth study. Writing about it helps to etch it into my mind, so this page includes some of my written Bible studies.


The Poetry Book

There is a variety of poetry I truly enjoy reading, mostly inspirational and patriotic. I'm not much for fanciful thoughts, but there is some love poetry that is simply timeless that I do enjoy reading at times.



Biblical Art & Imagery

Since the advent of the internet, one can spend hours looking at some of the most beautiful Biblically-inspired art and imagery. This page will feature just some of my favorites.


Silver Pearls &

Golden Nuggets

My collection of quotes - some by anonymous and some notable.


My Life Verse

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD, "plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."

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