Inspirational Poetry

This page has just a few poems I've saved over the years with
the hope of adding to it as I come across more little gems.

When I Say "I Am A Christian"
Author Carol S. Wimmer 1988
When I say - I am a Christian
I'm not shouting "I am saved."
I'm whispering "I get lost."
That is why I chose this way.
When I say - I am a Christian
I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
And I need someone to be my guide.
When I say - I am a Christian
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed
And cannot ever pay the debt.
When I say - I am a Christian
I'm not claiming to be perfect.
My flaws are too visible
But God believes I'm worth it.
When I say - I am a Christian
I still feel the sting of pain.
I have my share of heartaches
Which is why I seek HIS name.
When I say - I am a Christian
I do not wish to judge.
I have no authority
I only know I'm loved.

Slow me down, Lord!
Ease the pounding of my heart
By the quieting of my mind
Steady my harried peace
With a vision of the eternal reach of time.
Give me,
Amidst the confusions of my day,
The calmness of the everlasting hills.
Break the tensions of my nerves
With the soothing music of the singing streams
That live in my memory.
Help me to know
The magical restoring power of sleep.
Teach me the art
of taking minute vacations of slowing down
to look at a flower;
to chat with an old friend or make a new one;
to pay a stray dog;
to watch a spider build a web;
to smile at a child;
or to read a few lines from a good book.
Remind me each day
That the race is not always to the swift;
That there is more to life than increasing its speed.
Let me look upward
Into the branches of the towering oak
And, know that it grew great and strong
Because it grew slowly and well.
Slow me down, Lord,
And inspire me to send my roots deep
Into the soil of life's enduring values
That I may grow toward the starts
Of my greater destiny.
Slow Me Down, Lord
Author: Wilferd A. Peterson

Every Sunrise
Author: Unknown
Every sunrise is a present,
a gift from God above,
Gift-wrapped with scarlet ribbons
and tied with bows of love.
Each is a new beginning
a time t start anew,
While all the stars are sleeping,
and the rose is fresh with dew.
Each day's a new creation,
too lovely to ignore,
And we may just find a blessing,
just outside our front door.
We cannot keep the past
like fireflies in a jar,
Nor journey to the future
by wishing on a star.
Every sunrise is a blessing,
a gfit for just today,
Rejoice, my friend, embrace it
before it fades away!

Before I Go
Author: Unknown
When my life has reached its very end,
And I take that final breath;
I want to know I've left behind,
Some "good" before my death.
I hope that in my final hour,
In all honesty I can say:
That somewhere in my lifetime,
I have brightened someone's day.
Lord, please be my reminder
And whisper softly in my ear . . .
To be a "giver", not a "taker,"
In the years I have left here.
Give to me the strength Ineed,
Open up my mind and my soul
That I might show sincere compassion,
And, love to others before I go.
for if not a heart be touched by me,
And not a smile was left behind . . .
Then the life that I am blessed with,
Will have been a waste of time.
With all my heart, I truly hope
To leave something here on earth . . .
That touched another, made them smile
And, gave to my life . . . worth.

God Leads Us Along
Author: George A. Young, 1903
In shady, green pastures, so rich and so sweet,
God leads His dear children along;
Where the water’s cool flow bathes the weary one’s feet,
God leads His dear children along.
Some through the waters, some through the flood,
Some through the fire, but all through the blood;
Some through great sorrow, but God gives a song,
In the night season and all the day long.
Sometimes on the mount where the sun shines so bright,
God leads His dear children along;
Sometimes in the valley, in darkest of night,
God leads His dear children along.
Though sorrows befall us and Satan oppose,
God leads His dear children along;
Through grace we can conquer, defeat all our foes,
God leads His dear children along.
Away from the mire, and away from the clay,
God leads His dear children along;
Away up in glory, eternity’s day,
God leads His dear children along.
Fisherman's Prayer
Author: Unknown
I pray that I may live to fish
Until my dying day.
And, when it comes to my last cast,
I then most humbly pray.
When in the Lord's gret landing net
And peacefully asleep
That in His mercy I be judged
Be enough to keep.