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Aaaah . . . Spring. It's become my favorite season. Summer used to be my favorite, but I just don't enjoy those hot days like I used to when I was younger. Symbolic of renewal and new beginnings, Spring brings the return of the American Robins and other seasonal songbirds who busy themselves nesting in the surrounding trees to raise their young. New growth on the pine and fir trees is noticeable as are new buds on the deciduous trees and shrubberies. Not to mention the lovely scent of Lilac and Apple blossoms.

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March brings the earliest blooms. I enjoy the large drifts of Snowdrops in my neighbor's yard that push up just as the snow has melted away and

continue to thrive even during some of the late March snow squalls. April warms just enough for my Crocus to push up out of the ground,

providing warm bathing cups for bees when the sun shines on them.


April is a bit subdued for blooms, but her showers makes May come alive with Apple blossoms and Lilacs.

Their heavenly scents mingled makes for a delightful walk in the side yard.


There are a few Flowering Crab pink variations along the hillside by the driveway that come alive in May.


Quince blooms in bright red, a color not common in Spring, but welcomed for it's patriotic color to usher in the first Spring holiday, Memorial Day.

Snowballs, with their early color of light green drape along the flag. Soon they'll be fully white and much larger.

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White is the word for most of the Spring blooms around our yard.  Upper left is a Plum blossom and upper right is a cluster of Mountain Ash blossoms that will gIve way to bright red berries in the Fall. Lower left is the tiny and delicate blooms on Renaissance Spirea bushes and lower right is a grouping of Abbotsford Potentilla blooms.


The beautiful pink of Lupine and the vibrant orange burst of Poppies are very pleasing to my eye as those two colors have become my favorite color combination lately.

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Green shows up not only in lawns coming back to life, but in the unfurled leaves of Hostas and new growth pushing forward from the pine and fir trees.

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Along with all the sights and scents of Spring, there are sounds of Spring, too. Doves coo while perched in pairs and White-Crowned Sparrows showed up in flocks and sang like church choirs. The zooming of Hummingbirds through the air can be heard.  And, if we listen closely, we can even hear the soft footsteps of a visiting Whitetail deer.
I hope your Spring awakened all your senses and has prepared you for the long sunny days of Summer!

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