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Summer 2024 was generally moderate with the hottest temps arriving smack-dab middle in the Summer during the month of July. The bird and squirrel feeders are always kept full, as well as multiple sources of water. The deer and raccoons also enjoy the water that is offered and drink the vessels dry on a daily basis. I don't generally plant annual flowers, but enjoy the perennial blooms around the yard. The vegetable garden was started about a month late this year, but we still enjoyed a few heads of cauliflower and broccoli. We had plenty of lettuce, even enough to share, until the heat arrived in July, which created bolting in the plants with few edible leaves. We had a bumper crop of beans and peas and lots of cherry tomatoes in August. August also provided some zucchini with lots more to come in September along with the butternut squash. I hope your Summer was most blessed.


Wild Geraniums and Lilies are proven perennials and always provide beautiful blooms.


"Toki" Clematis gives oversized blooms while Violas pop all over at their own will with lots of tiny blossoms.


The large yellow blooms of St. John's Wort have a tropical appearance. Our cat, Lily, likes to follow me around when I take pictures around the yard.


Purple Salvia bursts with tall spires along one side of the greenhouse, as well as several other spots in the back yard. Big and beautiful zucchini bloom.


A close up picture of the yummy lettuce and a basket of one of the harvests.


Broccoli and Cauliflower.

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Cherry Tomatoes and Beans at left and a cute little visitor to the front yard at right. You can see the grasses under the hooves of the deer are slowly drying and giving way to Fall temperatures. I hope your Summer shined on you brightly and you were blessed. Fall will soon be upon us bringing with it crisp temperatures and the glorious colors of the season with a carpet of leaves.

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